CACAO VS COCOA: Cacao Powder is significantly different from natural and dutch processed Cocoa Powder. The Cacao bean is a naturally High Antioxidant Food containing protein, calcium, magnesium etc. Thanks to it’s antioxidant flavonoids, it’s common source of benefits include; Strengthens Immune System, Reduces Inflammation, keeps your Heart Healthy and protects Skin from Damage. It is popularly known for suppressing appetite, increasing alertness; ultimately giving you a blast of energy.
NATURAL: 100% Authentic Organic Cocoa - Unprocessed Chocolate for Baking, Beverage Blends, Hot Cocoa & Smoothie Preparations.
Organic, Sugar Free, Non GMO, Vegan, Dairy Free, Sustainably Sourced
PERFECT FOR ANY MIX: If you love the mild taste of intense dark chocolate, you’ll be sure to dig cacao’s subtle bitter flavor and powerful Fino Aroma. A little goes a long way. You can expect an intense chocolatey kick with just a heaping tablespoon of our delicious Cacao Powder with the advantages of mushroom mix reishi. B est of all, it dissolves easily with no added sugar. After all, chocolate is known to elevate mood, so the power of our Premium Cacao serves as an extra boost of pure bliss for almost any recipe.
MORNING DRINK: Compliment your morning cup of coffee with the tasty flavor of Raw Cacao. Substitute Cocoa with our Premium Cacao by adding to a mocha smoothie, mix it in oatmeal, a protein shake, yogurt or ice cream. Replace Cocoa while baking homemade chocolate cakes/ frosting, dark chocolate bark or granola bars. Works great with vegan, keto, paleo, gluten-free recipes. Popular in Beer Recipes as well. The possibilities are endless. You may never want to use cocoa again.
CACAO REISHI MIX POWDER: 180 Grams / 2.8 oz, High Quality/ Raw Organic Cacao Powder is independent from any typical Cacao Powder and reishi mushroom mix powder. Where the Cacao Beans are hand picked by the best, made into cacao nibs, then gently grinded in low temperatures to reach our much less processed Cacao Powder, making it exceptional and highly beneficial for your overall health.